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Sober living

Recovery in context: Sober living houses and the ecology of recovery

sober living articles

We have some black holes in our research on substance use disorders and recovery. There are a few of these sober living residences in Scotland, but little is known about them beyond experience and evaluations accumulated locally. By living together, sharing experiences, difficulties, and accomplishments, and participating in communal activities, residents can build a strong support system that will assist them in long-term recovery. Resuming work and other activities can be difficult after recovery, but living with people who understand your struggles can help. Sober living homes are not just about providing a roof over your head; they foster a sense of belonging and mutual support.

Column: City prevails in latest round in the Ninth Circuit, affirming local government’s right to regulate sober homes

sober living articles

Grounds for immediate termination include drinking or drug use on the property, taking a fellow resident out to use, acts of violence, and sexual misconduct. The Oxford House model offers a “social model” recovery philosophy (Kaskutas, 1999) that emphasizes peer support for sobriety and shared, democratic leadership in managing house operations. In addition, Oxford houses are financially independent of outside organizations and are financially self-sustaining. Although residents are not required to attend 12-step groups, they are generally encouraged to do so. Research in Oxford houses indicates that 12-step involvement is high, with about 76% of the residents attending 12-step meetings at least weekly (Nealon-woods, Ferrari & Jason, 1995). Additional activities assessed on the RHES provide guidance about other ways residents can enhance social model dynamics, particularly a sense of commitment and empowerment.

3. Outcome measures

Outside of California, the “Oxford House” model of sober living is popular, with over 1,000 houses nationwide as well as a presence in other countries (Jason, Davis, Ferrari & Anderson, 2007). However, because =https://ecosoberhouse.com/ there is no formal monitoring of SLH’s that are not affiliated with associations or coalitions it is impossible to provide an exact number of SLH’s in California or nationwide. Despite the advantages of halfway houses, there are limitations as well (Polcin & Henderson, 2008). After some period of time, usually several months, residents are required to move out whether or not they feel ready for independent living. Finally, halfway houses require residents to have completed or be involved in some type of formal treatment. For a variety of reasons some individuals may want to avoid formal treatment programs.

sober living articles


As they develop stability in their residence and recovery they tend to be more successful with the heroin addiction increased freedom and autonomy of phase II. The content of trainings should include coverage of recent advances in social model theory, practice, and research. Experiential learning is fundamental to social model recovery, yet didactic presentations are often prioritized.

sober living articles

What Is Sober Living and How Does It Support Recovery?

  • Some facilities require a minimum number of days of sobriety from substance abuse, but many will work with you to determine if you’re a good fit.
  • Using the network analysis tool in Arc GIS 10.6, we created measures of distance (in roadway miles) and travel time along the shortest path (in minutes) to the nearest treatment program and self-help group (of any type).
  • This collective effort not only makes the process more manageable but also enriches your experience with meaningful relationships that can last a lifetime.
  • Attendance in formal outpatient addiction treatment programs was also low, with 80% reporting no alcohol or drug treatment during the 6 month assessment period.

The costs I would say those are for somebody that is in very early recovery and hasn’t had some treatment …. Everything on your face shows terror, anger and fear, and we just want to go with you … that’s what sober living is all about … I thought that things were okay that day but clearly I was not okay. The SLH environment also created a context where residents could recognize vulnerability in others and take action to be helpful. They become willing to come get them and take them out to eat or go to shopping or come home for the weekend. Stigma and shame became less powerful in sober living, and the group looked out for each other.

This report will focus on 6-month outcomes for 130 individuals residing in 16 sober living houses affiliated with Clean and Sober Transitional Living (CSTL) in Sacramento, California. Outpatient programs in low income urban areas might find the Options Recovery Services model of SLHs helpful. Relative to the other housing programs, this model was inexpensive and the houses were conveniently located near the outpatient facility. Typically, residents entered these SLHs after establishing some period of sobriety while they resided in a nearby shelter and attended the outpatient program. A significant strength of the Options houses was that residents were able to maintain low alcohol and drug severity at 12-month follow up.

  • When a halfway house for substance abusers in Montgomery County Maryland closed, the clients continued their residence by paying rent and utilities themselves and implementing a shared, democratic style of managing the house.
  • If you recently completed a treatment program, contact the staff there for referrals to local sober living homes.
  • The care and concern from fellow residents becomes important reasons to stay sober, and relapse could result in the loss of valued personal relationships.
  • Understanding its importance could be the key to not just achieving sobriety but maintaining it in the long run.
  • This could be particularly problematic in poor communities where residents have easy access to substances and people who use them.
  • Co-ed houses were located in less diverse and walkable neighborhoods that were more isolated from self-help resources.

A Consumer’s Guide to Addiction Research

sober living articles

More information regarding the recruitment flow can be found in Mahoney et al. (2023). Inclusion criteria included a history of substance issues, moving into the SLH within the past 30 days, and providing three types of contact information for follow-up interviews. These analyses are based on the 462 (82.9 %) participants who completed the 6-month follow-up interview.

  • Although social model is the essence of recovery in SLHs, many SLH providers have only a rudimentary understanding about its history and evolution.
  • Between those who did and did not endorse living with others in recovery as a reason for choosing their SLH, those who did not endorse this reason were significantly more likely to be abstinent from all drugs except marijuana.
  • Deficit motivation … the felonies and the evictions and the breakups … When the deficit motivation is gone ….
  • Reasons for choosing related to employment problems severity may indicate the influence of employment concerns on housing decisions.
  • Resident views about the costs of not using substances (ie, the difficulties encountered when not using), as well as the perceived benefits of not using, were strong predictors of substance use outcomes.
  • He and several roommates opened their own sober living house and the facility grew to the sixteen houses today.

The Importance of Sober Living in Recovery

Ratings for other factors were access to transportation (57.6 %) and appearance of house (53.2 %), The least endorsed reasons for choosing SLHs were SLH amenities (42.4 %) and someone else or a program paying the fees (30.7 %). Because selecting a residence is a multifaceted decision, many factors may impact the selection of SLHs, such as its location, amenities, and access to transportation. Though SLHs are viewed as an affordable option for those who want to live with others in recovery, the importance sober living blog of affordability and wanting to live with others in recovery is unclear in how it impacts the decisions of potential residents. Programs have emerged to cover SLH fees, such as scholarship programs at houses, Medi-Cal insurance pilot programs, and Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming (STOP) for first-year parolees (STOP, 2024). Not having to worry about housing costs because a third party covers fees could also impact the decision of potential residents. It also provides a therapeutic space where you can get support from peers who are also recovering from substance abuse.



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